Kirkeskoven øst (GC1672E)
by ibber44

Cache Type: Geocache|Traditional Cache GC1672E (Visit Cache Page)
N 55° 45.7 W 11° 54.177
( 55.76166666666667, -11.90295 )

Location: , Denmark
Hidden: 2007-09-25
Cache Size: Cache Size: Small
Difficulty: Difficulty full-pointDifficulty half-point  Terrain: Terrain full-point

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En nem lille cache i en lille hyggelig byskov/
Easy litle cache in a nice litle townforrest

En nem lille cache i en lille hyggelig byskov/
Easy litle cache in a nice litle townforrest

Hint: (hover over pencil to decrypt) None

GPSr Comment:

devtek, pcwize

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