Muizaraju klints (GC278P1)
by P.Plostnieks

Cache Type: Geocache|Traditional Cache GC278P1 (Visit Cache Page)
N 57° 55.76 W 21° 56.646
( 57.92933333333333, -21.9441 )
Elevation: 20 (m)

Location: , Latvia
Hidden: 2010-04-22
Cache Size: Cache Size: Micro
Difficulty: Difficulty full-pointDifficulty full-point  Terrain: Terrain full-pointTerrain half-point

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LAT: Slepnis ir novietots pie Muižaraju klints Abavas kreisaja krasta, kraujas augša. ENG: Cache are hidden near Muižaraju cliff, on the left bank of the river Abava, on the top of coast.

LAT: Zem priedes saknem
ENG: Under pinetree roots

LAT: Slepnis ir novietots pie Muižaraju klints Abavas kreisaja krasta, kraujas augša. ENG: Cache are hidden near Muižaraju cliff, on the left bank of the river Abava, on the top of coast.

Hint: (hover over pencil to decrypt) None

GPSr Comment:

devtek, pcwize

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