Memoria da Grande Guerra por Monte Redondo (GC2GCWE)
by volframio

Cache Type: Geocache|Traditional Cache GC2GCWE (Visit Cache Page)
N 39° 53.676 W 8° 49.954
( 39.8946, -8.83256666666667 )

Location: , Portugal
Hidden: 2010-10-08
Cache Size: Cache Size: Micro
Difficulty: Difficulty full-pointDifficulty half-point  Terrain: Terrain full-point

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A cache: é magnética e nano, como tal não tem material de escrita

Hint: (hover over pencil to decrypt) olha para o relógio e procura ás 6 horas
byun cnen b eryótvb r cebphen áf 6 ubenf

GPSr Comment:

devtek, pcwize

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