Subway spotting (Sa)
by an

Cache Type: Geocache|Multi-Cache (offset) Sa (Visit Cache Page)
N 44° 21.965 W 26° 08.742
( 44.36608333333333, -26.1457 )

Location: , Romania
Hidden: 2008-10-12
Cache Size: Cache Size: Small
Difficulty: Difficulty full-pointDifficulty full-point  Terrain: Terrain full-pointTerrain half-point

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[RO] Circula atat de des incat n-ai cum sa le ratezi [EN] They travel so often, you can't possibly miss'em

[RO] V-ati intrebat vreodata cum au ajuns in tunele?
Ei bine, nimic exotic, nimic extraordinar.

Acesta e un mic multi-cache pe la marginea orasului unde facem cunostinta cu ...

Container de plastic alb-transparent :
- jurnal
- creion
- :)) am uitat ce am mai pus in cutie :))
Cine o gaseste primul, sa ne zica :)

Atentie :
Odata ajuns la WP1 ai doua optiuni :
- varianta mai scurta, si mergi la WP2
- varianta mai lunga, ignori WP2 si mergi la WP3.

De aici se vede cel mai bine, si ce vine, si ce pleaca.
Vei mai vedea de la spate niste indicatoare in forma de romb, galbene. Nr. lor este A.
O alta placuta, alba, arata "-0+B"

WP1 = N44 21.(a*23+3)(B-3) E26 08.7AB

Poti vedea niste indicatoare in forma de romb, unul e albastru cu o sageata in jos.
Priveste inspre intuneric si vei vedea un alt indicator galben cu un numar. (C).

WP2 = N44 21.9(C-3) E26 08.(C/10+1)(B*24)
WP3 = N44 21.5(C+2) E26 09.(A-B)(C+15)

Ai ales varianta scurta. Te grabesti. Priveste in jur. Cate cosuri vezi, pe care scrie "I.M.G.B."? (M).
Tot pe ele vei vedea scrise niste cifre. D=M+suma cifrelor inscrise pe un cos.
Cauta un cauciuc incastrat in ciment. Dimensiunile sale sunt : "X/Y R Z"

FINAL = N44 2D.(Z-C/8-1)(X-C*3+Z) E26 0(Y/15+3).(Z*A+B)(A-2)

Trenurile ajung chiar si pana aici. Priveste peste gard si le vei vedea.
Cauta un bolovan mare la poalele gardului, pe care sa te sui sa vezi mai bine.
Priveste la gard. In fiecare piesa orizontala sunt incastrate niste cercuri de plastic.
La sud de bolovan, de sus in jos, in primele doua placi sunt cercuri si negre si gri.
La nord de bolovan, de sus in jos, in a doua placa sunt doar cercuri gri.
Cate cercuri gri sunt pe primele doua placi de la sud? (E)
Cate cercuri negre sunt pe cea mai de sus placa de la sud? (F)

FINAL = N44 21.9(E*13) E26 08.7E(F+1)


[EN] Ever wandered how did they get deep below ground?
Well, nothing exotic, nothing extraordinary.

A simple multi-cache in the southern outskirts of the capital, and here we meet ...

White-tranlucent plastic container :
- log book
- pencil
- :)) you know, I forgot what else I put in the box :))
Who finds it first, please tell us :)

Warning :
When you are at WP1 you have two options :
- short, go to WP2
- slightly longer, ignore WP2 and go to WP3.

The best viewpoint is right here. You can't miss all that arrives or departs.
You'll see from behind some yellow signs rhombus shaped. Their number is A.
Check another white sign that says "-0+B"

WP1 = N44 21.(a*23+3)(B-3) E26 08.7AB

One rhombus sign is blue with a white downward arrow.
Look towards the darkness and get the number on the yellow sign. (C).

WP2 = N44 21.9(C-3) E26 08.(C/10+1)(B*24)
WP3 = N44 21.5(C+2) E26 09.(A-B)(C+15)

You sure are in a hurry. Look around. How many factory chimneys there are with the inscription "I.M.G.B."? (M).
Also, D=M+the sum of the numbers written on a single chimney.
Look for a tire partly embedded in cement. It's size is : "X/Y R Z"

FINAL = N44 2D.(Z-C/8-1)(X-C*3+Z) E26 0(Y/15+3).(Z*A+B)(A-2)

The trains indeed arrive this far. Look over the fence and you'll see.
Look for a big rock near the fence, it will help you see over it.
Look at the fence and you'll see some plastic circles in the concrete plates.
To the south, from top downwards, the second plate contains both black and grey circles.
To the north, from top downwards, the second plate contains only grey circles.
How many grey plastic circles are to the south, on the two top plates? (E).
How may black plastic circles are to the south, on the top plate? (F).

FINAL = N44 21.9(E*13) E26 08.7E(F+1)

Hint: (hover over pencil to decrypt) small
fznyy "pnir", pbirerq. abg qrrc.

GPSr Comment:

nu, , devtek, pcwize

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