Calarasi #1 (ST)
by egirsu

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[RO] Prima "cutie"din Calarasi; este un puzzle simplu, pentru a-l rezolva trebuie sa aflati cateva lucruri despre oras.
[EN] First cache in Calarasi; the puzzle is simple, in order to solve it you must find out a few things about the city.


[RO]Municipiul Calarasi - resedinta si cel mai mare oras al judetului Calarasi - se afla situat in Lunca Dunarii, la mica distanta de Campia Baraganului, la separarea fluviului Dunarea in bratele Dunarea Veche si XXXX (Aflati numele bratului Dunarii. Numarul de litere ale acestuia = A). Orasul se afla la intersectia drumurilor nationale DN3, DN 21 si DN 31 iar distanta pana la Bucuresti este de BCX km.

Asezarea este mentionata pentru prima data in anul 1534. Lichiresti (numele sau provine de la hramul primului lacas de cult crestin ridicat aici cu mult inainte de 1600 - "Sfantul Nicolae al Mirei Lichiei". De la biserica Lichiei isi vor lua numele localnicii, care se vor numi lichiresteni, iar asezarea Lichiresti) este mentionat la 25 iulie 1630 de Stefan Tomsa Voievod.

La 13 martie 1681 satul devine mosia marelui spatar Mihail Cantacuzino. Acesta, in jurul anului 1704, daruieste mosia si satul Lichiresti manastirii Coltea, ctitoria sa, pentru "intretinerea si chiverniseala spitalului manastirii".

Incepand cu 1699, este stabilit un popas pentru calarasii-stafetari ai lui Constantin Brancoveanu, cu rol de paza si transmitere a corespondentei spre Istanbul. Prezenta acestora contribuie la schimbarea numelui localitatii, noua denumire fiind inserata in harta austriaca din 1790: Calarasi vel Lichiresti.

In secolul al XIX-lea asezarea cunoaste o dezvoltare din ce in ce mai rapida, datorita schelei de pe Dunare si a targurilor periodice organizate aici, fapt ce obliga mutarea resedintei judetului Ialomita de la Urziceni la Calarasi si transformarea sa in oras, in anul 1833.

In anul 1852 se aplica planul de sistematizare al orasului iar prin hrisovul din 24 septembrie 1852 emis de domnitorul Barbu Stirbei, orasul se va elibera de sub tutela manastirii Coltea, luand denumirea de Stirbei pana in 1881, cand va reveni la denumirea initiala de Calarasi.

In perioada interbelica orasul devine resedinta judetului Ialomita si dispune de un aeroport situat pe linia de navigatie aeriana Bucuresti-Calarasi-Bazargic-Balcic.

In perioada comunista, orasul face parte din Regiunea Bucuresti iar mai apoi devine resedinta judetului cu acelasi nume, in anul 1981. La recensamantul din 2002, orasul avea o populatie de 70.F3G. Este de asemenea centrul administrativ al regiunii NUTS II Sud-Muntenia, codificata cu numarul ROH Prefixul telefonic al judetului este 0XDE

Coordonate finale:
N: 44 (G+C).(14*E)(D-3-F)
E: 027 (H-11).(A-5)(B*6)7
Adu un creion!

[EN]Calarasi City - the capital and largest city of Calarasi County - is located in the Danube Meadow, at a short distance from Baragan Plain, at the Danube river splitting into the Old Danube branch and XXXX branch (Find out the name of the other Danube branch. The number of letters of the name = A ). The city lies at the intersection of national roads DN3, DN 21 and DN 31, BCX km away from Bucharest.

The settlement is first mentioned in 1534. Lichiresti (name comes from the first christian place of worship, built well before 1600 - "Sfantul Nicolae al Mirei Lichiei". From Lichiei church the locals will be called "lichiresteni"; and settlement Lichiresti) is mentioned on 25 July 1630 by Stefan Tomsa Prince.

On 13 March 1681 the village becomes the estate of boyar Mihail Cantacuzino. He, around 1704, gives the Lichiresti estate and village to Coltea monastery, which he built in Bucharest, for "monastery's hospital maintenance and sustenance".

Since 1699, the place becomes a stop for Constantin Brancoveanu's relay-riders(calarasi-stafetari), their mission being the delivery and protection of mail going to Istanbul. Their presence contributes to the village name change, and the new name is inserted in an 1790 Austrian map: Calarasi vel Lichiresti.

In the nineteenth century the settlement's development is increasing rapidly, due to the scaffolding on the Danube and periodic fairs held here, all these leading to the change of county's capital from Urziceni to Calarasi. Also, Calarasi receives the status of city in 1833.

In 1852 the city is systemized, and by the bill of Lord Barbu Stirbei the city becomes free of Coltea monastery's guardianship, taking the name of Stirbei. It reverts to the old name -Calarasi- in 1881.

During the interwar period the city becomes capital of Ialomita county and had an airport on Air Navigation line Bucharest-Calarasi-Dobrich-Balchik.

In the communist period, the city is part of the Bucharest Region and later becomes the residence of the county with the same name, in 1981. In the 2002 census, the city had a population of 70.F3G. It is also the administrative center of South-Muntenia NUTS II region, encoded ROH. Phone code of the county is 0XDE

Final Coordinates:
N: 44 (G+C).(14*E)(D-3-F)
E: 027 (H-11).(A-5)(B*6)7
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Hint: (hover over pencil to decrypt) tree root
gerr ebbg

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devtek, pcwize

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