prueba (testin)
by ostia

Cache Type: Geocache|Traditional Cache testin (Visit Cache Page)
N 23° 45.456 W 123° 12.334
( 23.7576, -123.20556666666667 )

Location: , Puerto Rico
Hidden: 2004-04-21
Cache Size: Cache Size: Regular
Difficulty: Difficulty full-pointDifficulty full-pointDifficulty full-pointDifficulty full-point  Terrain: Terrain full-pointTerrain full-pointTerrain half-point

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esta bien facil!

Esto esta cabron de dificil!!! se pone deficil la cosa, no mames guey! que dificil esta este coso oye!

Hint: (hover over pencil to decrypt) debajo de la piedra
qronwb qr yn cvrqen

GPSr Comment:

devtek, pcwize


cronos found it on 2006-02-23

Esta super facil!

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