Changes ------- 3/24/2006 - Wow.. This UTF-8 stuff is tough. The bug was that any cache entered into the generator using umlauts was causing the simple_xml parser to fail. This was because I was using htmlentities on the entered data before I wrote it to the .GPX file. This turned ΓΌ for intstance, into ü which the simple_xml parser would die on. I replaced all htmlentities with htmlspecialchars, which left the umlauts unmolested. The next problem was that now the unmolested umlauts weren't displaying on my pages. I used utf8_decode() on the places where umlauts could show up which fixed it. However, I realized later that while I was setting the xml to UTF-8, I had my page content-type set to set to ISO-8859-1. I changed that to UTF-8 and got rid of all the utf8_decodes and it all works fine now. One possible bug though could be the hints which are ROT-13 displayed. I'll have to test it. - Added date and time of GPX creation on cache listing page. - I think I finally fixed the lat / long problem with leading zeros. I decided to force them to enter dd mm.mmm / ddd mm.mmmm (lat / long) so they have to put in the preceeding zeros, then I strip those out with ltrim() when I do the calculations to convert to decimal degrees. - Put example input next to the Date Placed, Lat, and Long fields on the GPX_Generator so people would understand exactly what I wanted them to put in. 11/18/2005 - Fixed bug with long coordinates requiring a zero in the ddd part of ddd mm.mmm if ddd was less than 100. i.e. 073 11.222 vs 73 11.222 which caused the Google Maps API to not display a map. - Changed from using tabs to indent the XML to spaces because some people said their text editor would act wonky. - Fixed the URL input because I has the wrong function parsing it. URLs will now work correctly with ampersands. - Fixed the link to the GPX Generator on the cache display page.